篮球兄弟 第九季


主演:詹姆斯·拉夫尔提 索菲亚·布什 贝瑟妮·乔伊·盖里 

导演:凯瑞·安·莫斯,何润东,Brian Robinson


《篮球兄弟 第九季》剧集介绍:

New One Tree Hill season 9 photo features happy Brooke reunited with her estranged dad. CW recently dropped a couple,new premiere photos for it’s upcoming “One Tree Hill” 9th and final scene. This particular photo shows a very happy, Brooke David,reuniting with her long lost father,played by actor Richard Burgi. It looks like the first episode will be a little mellow compared to what I’ve heard is supposed to eventually go down. I guess you’ve got to start off a little light with these sort of things. However, once they get into it,we’re going to see crazy Dan Scott return to try and get his murdering thing going again. He’ll be spotted with a gun. Brooke isn’t going to be looking so happy when she’s spotted vandalizing a restaurant. Julian smile will be turned into an instant frown when he gets the everliving crap beat out of him. Haley won’t be smiling,either,after she identifies a dead body. Chase won’t look like such a nice guy when he’s handcuffed,and taken to jail. Oh,and I’m sure there’s more,just you wait and see. This last season is going out with a mega bang,for sure. It kicks off this Wednesday, January 11th at 7pm central time on the CW.




  • 筑苼:刚刚
  • 我不是龙儿:5分钟前
  • 车垣:6分钟前
  • 油壁香车:8分钟前
    ⑥ 求一部日本(又好像是韩国)爱情电影,大概剧情如下:主人公还在妈妈肚子里快出生时,妈妈出了一场车祸…
  • 叶孤南02:4分钟前
  • 千屠鸦:8小时前
    ② 韩国有一部电影讲述一个女孩能看见鬼,每一个孤魂野鬼都来找她
  • 我不自在逍遥:4小时前
    兰彻一直在给大家灌输的一种理念就是:简单生活,遵从心声,为自己而活。 的确,他让朋友们重新认识了自己和所要坚定的方向。 很喜欢片尾的那片湖泊,不知道是在哪里呢?
  • 墨白焰:7小时前
  • 冰火平民:6小时前
  • 月桂舒:1天前


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