


导演:Jason Krznarich,乔诺·罗伯茨,李芳淙


《罪孽怨灵罪妇》剧集介绍:100 years ago, the sisters Yod and Yard were the wives of Phra Wanathep. Yard was a loyal servant to madam Kamlai, his main wife. But Khun Thep asked Yod to help him get her sister and he would reward her. So Yod knocked her out and Wanathep raped her. Later, Yod tricks Yard into giving poison to Kamlai, to get rid of her and get Yard in trouble, so she can read morehave Khun Thep all to herself. So Yard unintentionally kills Kamlai and her 2 daughters. All the servants find out that Yard killed Kamlai so they hung her. Yods mother finds out that she caused Yards death so she stabbed Yod and put a curse on her, if she was to cause her mother to cry a tear again, she will never be able to get reborn. Khun Thep was reborn as Witsanu, an award-winning biography director. Witsanu received work from a TV show called Lao Ruang Teuk Gao (Telling the story of old buildings). Pal is a young architect that hosts the show, and for this particular episode the story of Phra Wanathep’s home is being told. The home is located in the Nang Barb (Sin Woman) amphoe/district. During filming, the staff sees something strange. They dont know that the place is haunted by the ghosts of Yod and Yard. Kamlai was reborn as an actress and Yod wants to apologize for her sins. So Yod and Yard end up possessing Ruengrin and Wisa, causing absolute chaos for the team.... 详情



  • 凡尘向天空:刚刚
  • 声起于形:1分钟前
    本片的英文名字译作“WSlept With Her?/Sexy Teach”,的确挺有意思。
  • 星尘浪子:7分钟前
  • 劫燚:5分钟前
    3 北京有哪些电影院希望全一点,最好是东城区和朝阳区的详细些!
  • 夜羽修罗:2分钟前
    Ⅸ 当海南岛的国际电影节闭幕式遭遇下雨后,众多明星嘉宾怎么应对的
  • 修罗君子:9小时前
    3 推荐10部韩国19禁电影高颜值 女主诱人剧照看了受不了(5)
  • 野生黄鱼:1小时前
    大型道具继续上,有能剪断饕餮双腿的大剪刀,鱼叉箭,霹雳弹,火球等,在马特达蒙的神箭以及景甜刘德华的神辅助下,成功 抓到一只饕餮!经测试,磁石可以让九尺范围内的饕餮睡着。
  • 丈耳:9小时前
  • 真心不如红钞票:2小时前
    Ⅵ 韩国感人电影 忘记名字了 具体是一个混黑道的父亲非常疼爱他的孩子 好像不是亲生的 最后为了保护儿子被打
  • 终沦为老生常谈:1天前


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